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LAUSD Westchester High School Master Plan 

Client: Los Angeles Unified School District

Scope: Master Planning /Adaptive Reuse

Size: 19.5 Acres

Completion: 2011

Project Manager: Richard Berliner, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, ALEP


LAUSD is surveying more than 300 schools in the District to verify existing conditions, determine deficiencies and needs, and develop Master Plans to implement when funds become available. Berliner and Associates is performing this work at several schools, including Westchester High School

The planning process begins with a survey of the campus and buildings to up- date LAUSD drawings with all current uses, changes and deficiencies. Administration and sta are interviewed to hear their concerns and requirements. A site analysis is prepared documenting build- ing and land uses, facility conditions, circulation pa erns, open space uses, un- derutilized areas and needed infrastruc- tural improvements. Charre es are then held with all stakeholders to discuss the ndings and evaluate options for the nal Master Plan. 

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